FSSC version 6 is now available. Explore our latest FSSC Version 6 training courses offered by BSI. Discover the latest advancements and enhance your expertise with our latest FSSC Version 6 training courses. Elevate your skills and stay at the forefront of industry best practices.
CQI & IRCA Certified FSSC 22000 version 6 Lead Auditor (Food Safety Management Systems) Training Course
Select your preferred type:Update yourself on the latest developments in food safety allowing you to drive the continual improvement of your business. The key principles and practices of effective FSMS audits in line with FSSC 22000, ISO 22003-1, ISO 17021-1 and ISO 19011 Guidelines for auditing management systems will be covered.
FSSC 22000 version 6 Lead Auditor training course: Gain the knowledge and skills required to plan, conduct, report on and follow up a successful FSSC 22000 version 6 food safety management system audit. Using a step-by-step approach, you’ll be guided through the entire audit process from initiation to follow-up according to best practice techniques.