HorizonScan Webinar 22 February 2022
Inspiring trust for a more resilient world.

Webinar: Moving from risk avoidance to risk tolerance relies on accurate and timely business intelligence - but where to find it?

Date: Tuesday 22 February 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 10:45 am (UK time)

Join our webinar, where Richard Werran, Regional Director for the Food and Retail Sector at BSI, and Jordina Farrus Gubern, HorizonScan Lead at Fera Science Ltd., will be discussing HorizonScan; the platform which provides the food industry with previously unseen insight into direct and indirect supply chains. This webinar will demonstrate the features and benefits of HorizonScan and unveil ways in which this platform can be used to better your organization.


HorizonScan is a web-based information service that collects data daily from over 110 food safety agencies to deliver alerts on emerging food fraud and safety issues affecting the global supply chain.

Did you know that 80% of problems an organization ends up solving, start as a fault in the supply chain? HorizonScan gives you access to an early warning of potential issues to ensure faults don’t become problems.

Why HorizonScan?

  • You can check both recent and historical integrity issues of your supplier
  • When planning to buy from a new country, you will be able to check for food integrity issues being reported in commodities exported from that part of the world
  • You will be able to see the contaminant trends over the years, giving you the opportunity to approach the future in a more proactive way
  • You will be able to see the exporting trends over the years, allowing you to anticipate potential issues in your food supply chain
  • You will have the data needed to undertake your vulnerability assessment

Facts & Figures

  • 550+ commodities tracked    
  • 180+ countries of origin        
  • 110+ global data sources
  • 30+ new reports per day     
  • 110,000+ total incident records 
  • 22,000+ suppliers


Richard Werran - Regional Director, Food and Retail Sector, BSI.
Richard Werran's food career began as a food technologist and spans 40+ years working in international food ingredient and food manufacturing sectors. Richard is BSI’s EMEA Regional Director for Food and Retail Supply Chain, an acknowledged expert on genetic modification and a Fellow of the IFST and the Society of Food Hygiene & Technology.

Jordina Farrús Gubern - HorizonScan Lead, Fera Science Ltd.
Jordina Farrús Gubern is the HorizonScan Lead at Fera Science Ltd. With a degree in Veterinary Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain and a master’s degree in Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health from the Royal Veterinary College, University of London, Jordina has worked at Fera Science Ltd. since March 2013. Her main role is ensuring the currency of HorizonScan and providing scientific support to the database in order to help the food industry keep abreast of any potential threat to their customer wellbeing, loyalty and brand identity.