Access your free eLearning taster

Having a consistent level of awareness across an organization can support employees to make informed decisions, enabling them to navigate complex situations with clarity and confidence.

Our range of on-demand awareness training courses are designed to accelerate understanding via engaging and interactive bitesize learning.

As a BSI client, for a limited time you can access our awareness courses for free.

Simply use the code LEARNWITHBSI at the check out on our website. 

Our awareness courses available to book within this offer:

BSI Academy courses are available to existing clients with 25% off

Our courses cover a wide range of key topics, enabling you to identify the best courses for you and your organization.

Simply use the unique code given to you by a BSI colleague at the checkout on our website when booking your selected courses. If you do not have a unique code, please speak to your contact at BSI to access this.

Find out more

Browse our training courses within key topics below:

Terms and conditions for booking training courses can be found here.