ISO 45001 for beginners 1 - How to implement an OH&S Management System
During this webinar, you will learn:
- What does an OH&S Management System look like?
- The harmonized structure of ISO 45001 integrates perfectly with other Harmonized Standards
- Requirements, if properly implemented, help keep your workers safe
- Audits (Internal and External) help you find ways to improve the effectiveness of you system to keep people safer
- What are the benefits of an OH & S Management System?
- Safety benefits
- Morale benefits
- Financial benefits
- What does an effective ‘implementation Plan’ look like?
- Who should be on the planning team?
- Who should be responsible?
- What will they do and how will they report progress?
Date: Thursday, June 2, 2022
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET
ISO 45001 for beginners 2 - Three Steps to Success
During this webinar, you will learn how to use these 3 steps to success:
- Step #1: Check
- Do a ‘Gap Analysis’ to discover what you already have in place that meets the requirements
- You may not use the same terminology as ISO but you may be doing the activity
- Focus on what you have, not what’s missing – that will appear after the Gap Analysis’ is done
- Step #2: Plan
- Create a path forward based on the Gap analysis
- Choose a cross functional team
- Design the Management System to suit your workflow and your culture
- Step #3: Do
- Create flowcharts of the workflow and any supporting processes
- Link the flowchart steps to any required forms
- Audit to see if the implementation was successful
Date: Thursday, June 9, 2022
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET
ISO 45001 for beginners 3 - The 5 Most Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
During this webinar, you will learn:
- Mistake #1: Over documenting your system
- Have we defined our OHS processes properly and shown their interaction?
- Have we met the requirements for ‘retaining and maintaining documented information’?
- Are our response protocols clear and easy to follow in an emergency?
- Mistake #2: Choosing a document control system that complicates your Management System
- How many ‘approvals’ do I need?
- What kind of ‘revision control’ is necessary?
- How long do I have to keep older versions of our documents?
- Mistake #3: Worrying about what the Auditor will want to see
- How do I meet the ISO requirements on my own terms?
- Are there certain ways we have to do things?
- Will implementing a QMS mean that we have to change the way we do things?
- Mistake #4: Spending time and money on Internal Audits that don’t add value
- Who should be involved?
- What are the steps?
- How will I know when I have gotten value from doing audits?
- Mistake #5: Skimping on resources to maintain and improve the Management System
- How do we identify hazards and meet OHS legal requirements?
- What kind of training do we have to deliver and maintain?
- Do we have to improve the system just for the sake of ‘improving the system’?
Date: Thursday, June 16 , 2022
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET
ISO 45001 for beginners 4 - Identifying Risks and Hazards
During this webinar, you will learn:
- What are the ‘Risks and Opportunities’ requirements in ISO 45001?
- What are we trying to achieve when we address Risks and opportunities? (6.1.1)
- What elements need to be considered? (6.1.1)
- What are the steps we take after ‘identification’?
- How do we perform ‘Hazard Identification’ and assessment? (6.1.2)
- What should our identification process consider?
- Once identified, how do we assess our hazards? (
- Where do ‘Legal’ requirements fit in? (
- What does an ‘emergency response’ plan need to include?
- What are the physical requirements?
- What are the training requirements?
- What documentation do we need to maintain and retain?
Date: Thursday, June 23, 2022
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET
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Learn how to keep your employees safe with ISO 45001 webinar series.
If you cannot attend any of the webinars, a recording of the session will be sent to you after the webinar.
Jim Moran MA Ed. MSP