ISO 14068-1:2023, published in November 2023, is the first international standard for carbon neutrality. It provides a standardized approach to achieving and demonstrating carbon neutrality of a subject. A subject can be an organization, or a product (e.g. goods and services, including events and buildings). This standard supersedes and builds on PAS 2060 which will be withdrawn in two years’ time.

BSI has developed a Carbon Neutrality verification scheme for ISO 14068-1:2023 which is available from the 1st of March 2024. From the 1st of January 2025, BSI will no longer deliver the BSI PAS 2060:2014 scheme. BSI has developed this timeline to ensure companies have enough time to adjust to the ISO 14068-1 requirements for any future carbon neutrality claims. 

As verification provides assurance on historical claims and data, opinions previously issued against PAS 2060:2014 remain valid as related to that historical period. For organizations making claims about their carbon neutrality in the past, they can use either the old PAS 2060:2014 standard or the new ISO 14068-1:2023 standard as proof. We won’t be monitoring how companies switch from the old standard to the new one. 

The ISO 14068-1 verification scheme is only for organizational carbon neutrality whereas for product and services will be covered in the Carbon Neutral Kitemark scheme. A separate communication will be sent out soon for the Carbon Neutral Kitemark scheme.

  • Nov 2023 - ISO 14068-1 was launched and is now available
  • 1st March 2024 - BSI's Carbon Neutrality verification scheme ISO 14068-1 is available
  • 1st January 2024 - Verification of Carbon Neutrality claims against PAS 2060 will not be sold anymore
  • 31st December 2025 - All PAS 2060 verifications have been completed and verification opinion issued. 

If you have any questions or would like to understand more about verification to ISO 14068-1, please contact your BSI representative: 

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