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The aim of an audit is to spot both weaknesses and opportunities within an organization. When a weakness is identified, it is essential that an organization notes this and comes up with a solution to not only remedy this occasion but to discover the root cause and establish a mechanism to prevent this from happening again. This is where non-conformities and corrective action plans come in.
When an incident or non-conformity has been identified, it is vital we log this, along with producing a solution to prevent repeats. Technology is a great enabler, by not only keeping a digital record of all such occurrences but also providing templates and tools that support you in investigating the cause and help you spot opportunities for improvement. This will not only present a clear picture to interested parties of what has occurred but also lay out a clear way to correct the route causes of such an issue.
Peter Hickmott, a client manager at BSI, has spent a career identifying such opportunities within organizations, but also agreeing on corrective action plans. He will take you through how technology has enabled him to carry out his job in a more efficient way. Following that, we will demonstrate how BSI’s Connect portfolio might provide the tools you need to do likewise.